How to use slash commands

This page will guide you on how to use discord's new Slash Commands


Slash Commands are the new, exciting way to interact with bots on Discord. With Slash Commands, all you have to do is type / and you're ready to use our bot. You can easily see all the commands RALGO AI has, and validation and error handling help you get the command right the first time.

This command list will filter commands as you type, making it easy to browse commands or find exactly what you're looking for. You quick typers out there can also use TAB and ENTER to quickly choose and navigate through commands.


For certain values in Slash Commands, we'll help you out with a handy autocomplete! No more needing to remember ids. If you need to pick a user, a role, or a channel, you can use the autocomplete that you know and love to help.


Slash Commands help you learn how to use bots without the awkward mistakes of typing the wrong command into chat or typing it the wrong way. If you accidentally pick an invalid option, we'll let you know before it sends:

Last updated